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пятница, 9 октября 2015 г.

#SuzyPFW: Jewels for a new generation — Gaia Repossi and Delfina Delettrez - Vogue

Modern presentation is an important asset

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Roger Vivier and Charlotte Olympia — Fun With Accessories - Vogue

Vivier reworks Flower Power while Charlotte Olympia goes jungle hopping

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185 сумок Недели моды в Париже - Vogue

Лаконичные сумки, сумасбродные клатчи и рюкзаки, хитро вшитые в спинки пиджаков и пальто

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«Чтобы губы были красивыми, говорите приятные вещи. Чтобы красивыми были глаза, замечайте только хорошее» - Vogue

Как быть мамой четверых и сниматься в блокбастерах? Как играючи стать иконой стиля? Кейт Бланшетт об искусстве жить на полную катушку

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Гости ужина Jimmy Choo - Vogue

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Гости презентации коллекционного номера Red in Vogue - Vogue

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J.Kim весна-лето 2016 - Vogue

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Четвертая коллекция пальто Натальи Туровниковой - Vogue

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«Свежий кутюр» по версии Moschino - Vogue

Fresh Couture — новый аромат итальянского Дома, заключенный во флакон в форме упаковки чистящего средства (лицом новинки стала легендарная Линда Евангелиста)

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Целая вселенная в украшениях Sabrina Dehoff - Vogue

Universe within me просто космос

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Вещь дня: костюм Dolce & Gabbana - Vogue

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Гостьи коктейля в бутике Versace - Vogue

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Новые кольца Pandora - Vogue

Еще больше возможностей для эффеткных сочетаний

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#SuzyPFW: Leonard — Digital Dilemma - Vogue

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When the Paris house Leonard was granted "Enterprise of the Living Heritage" by the French government eight years ago, it was for good reason.

The prints that Daniel Tribouillard had created from drawings and paintwork, in the traditional, non-digital way, had been recognised around the world, especially in Japan, and Leonard's orchid designs became emblematic of the house.

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Like so many young designers tasked with giving a fresh and youthful fillip to an established house, Yiqing Yin played with the historic prints, using the computer to expand butterfly wings and paint flowers with an acid palette.

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But this is a difficult path to take when pattern — digitally enhanced — rampages over summer clothes both classy and cheap. As diagonal swaths of colour on a draped dress or as intense floral patterns on shirts and trousers, the designer seemed to be projecting Leonard into the digital age.

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Yiqing had all the requisite modern ideas, like colourful sneakers. Her show notes referred to Andy Warhol and the décollage posters of Jacques Villeglé. But couldn't she instead find enough ideas in the Leonard studio or in a greenhouse and retrace the floral vision for a new generation?

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Instagram @SuzyMenkesVogue 
Twitter @SuzyMenkesVogue 

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#SuzyPFW: Sonia Rykiel — Making Tonight Sparkle - Vogue

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Ah! The Left Bank of Paris, known for its artists and intellectuals back in the days of film noir, followed by the 1968 student uprisings. That was when Yves Saint Laurent would mix high and low and Sonia Rykiel read poetry while showing knits that hugged the body and had a raw edge.

There is nothing raw about Saint-Germain-des-Prés today, where the louche and artistic have grown old and the bourgeoisie have long since moved in.

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So arriving at the Sonia Rykiel store, done up as an evening den with live music, fulfilled the expectation set by programme notes offering a "party after dark".

Inside were clothes illuminated with sparkles: sequin-covered dresses, Marabou fluff at the wrist in what seemed almost a parody of club culture ­- with a live musical performance added to the small space.

This was the third show by designer Julie de Libran, and she still seems to be experimenting with and expanding on the house codes.

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At first I thought she had turned her back on knits, the Rykiel heartland, until I grasped that from the sparkly patchwork of colours sashaying out, to fox shawls and Marabou boas, the base was always knit.

Add fine pleats, tennis-court sized netting and dynamic denim outfits and there was plenty to make a full Rykiel collection. Maybe the show needed to expand from the cramped store space. Or perhaps Lebran is trying too hard to be hip. The current denizens of Saint-Germain would probably welcome a nice, simple cardigan.

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Instagram @SuzyMenkesVogue 
Twitter @SuzyMenkesVogue 

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