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понедельник, 19 октября 2015 г.

#SuzySFW: Is K-Pop Photobombing K-Fashion? - Vogue

Seoul Fashion Week is fighting for the same magic formula as music, film and hi-tech

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Джеральдина Чаплин в Chanel на кинофестивале Lumière в Лионе - Vogue

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Frank Gehry Has The Right Idea - Vogue

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1. Issey Miyake greets Suzy Menkes at the 'I have an idea exhibition’  

Before I left Tokyo, I had an exhilarating encounter with Issey Miyake, who is not just a creative and ever-forward-thinking designer, but also the founder of 21_21 Design Sight. This visionary museum space in Tokyo never looks back. Frank Gehry was the subject, with a study of the architect's iconic creations, from the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum in Spain, through the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles to the Fondation Louis Vuitton in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris.

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2. Frank Gehry at his exhibition opening  

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The scale and detail of Frank Gehry's work shown at 21_21 Design Sight in Tokyo is astounding - from the first scribble drawings to chairs to massive buildings.

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3. Ahead of the Curve  

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A corrugated hardwood chair by Frank Gehry on display at his exhibition in Tokyo's 21_21 Design Sight space.

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4. Bernard Arnault and Frank Gehry  

The presence of Bernard Arnault, Chairman and CEO of LVMH, offered (literally) a different vision of Frank Gehry's work. The 'Making Of' the Fondation Louis Vuitton building in Paris is on display on the upper floor of the Louis Vuitton building on Tokyo's Omotesando.

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5. The first sketch 

This scribble of the future Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris was the first drawing that Frank Gehry showed Bernard Arnault a decade ago. In a crazy way, it actually resembles the final building. Mr Gehry told me that the first time he went to the proposed green space on the Bois de Boulogne, he had tears in his eyes thinking about the past and that Marcel Proust had walked in the same place.

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6. Mobile Architecture 

 On a sunlit day in Tokyo, the models of the Fondation Louis Vuitton by Frank Gehry seemed to float in the air on the top floor of the Vuitton store on Omotesando.

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7. Building Louis Vuitton  

Bernard Arnault talked to me about the exciting and emotional moments with Frank Gehry during the building of the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris. The building models on display at the LV building in Tokyo's Omotesando show the progress over a decade.

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Instagram @SuzyMenkesVogue 
Twitter @SuzyMenkesVogue 

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