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понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

Erdem: Prairie Madness - Vogue

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"I've always loved the language of the feminine," said Erdem Moralioğlu, surrounded backstage by models whose dresses were floral, fragile and fraying.

On stage all was mist and smoke as the figures trudged past a railway track, the longer dresses trailing along the dirt path, or the hems held up over ladylike shoes as the models walked the stairs to another railroad platform in this King's Cross Station-turned-runway.

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"Prairie Madness: a nineteenth-century condition," said Erdem, referring to the agoraphobia and depression experienced by immigrants newly arrived to America's Great Plains. He said he had been looking also at the mid-century paintings of American regionalist artist Andrew Wyeth.

But it isn't the backstory itself — like the fact that women alone on the prairies were given chunks of land to tend - that matters. Rather the way in which Erdem imparts a sense of drama and danger to a collection that might otherwise be just another floral festival.

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Fabrics frayed at the edges and smocking, quilted lamé and tiny concertina frills were all ways of bringing in lightness to the more practical side of the show. While the long floaty dresses were right on message.

This autumn Erdem has been celebrating ten years in fashion and a new London store — those two landmarks are impressive. But most of all he has taken his love for nature and historical knowledge and woven into his collections more than just the pretty dresses that first meet the eye.

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Instagram @SuzyMenkesVogue 
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Масляная эссенция с ароматом культового J’adore - Vogue

Сухое масло J’adore Touche de Parfum можно сочетать с любым запахом коллекции J’adore, усиливая шлейф и изменяя аккорды

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Mary Katrantzou: from the Balkans to the Stars - Vogue

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When Mary Katrantzou told me that she was thinking about Time of the Gypsies, I thought how apposite that seemed, since the 1988 film following a telekinetic Romani boy through Sarajevo and Milan is a benchmark of how things stood before the region was torn apart by conflict.

That film has been the inspiration for many fashion shows, and I sat down expecting a wild spectacle of colour and pattern.

"But it didn't turn out like that," said Katrantzou, who was only five years old when the film was made.

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What did I see instead? Colour, pattern and a deep creative process had compacted her initial inspiration into dense but wearable clothes - far from the more conceptual pieces of her previous season combining Victoriana and technology. 

"I took different elements from Balkan wedding clothes and pieces from Mediterranean countries," said the designer, as she continued our conversation by describing a move into cosmology as inspiration.

"All the prints are based around really intricate motifs from this amazing nineteenth-century engraving that depicts the world flat and the stars built into the sea," Mary said.

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It is a privilege to learn about her internal inspiration and a joy when the result is so good: those stars breaking into patterns as if on to the ocean's surface - but all of that compressed into a shapely, short dress.

The simplicity of the silhouette did not limit Katrantzou's expression, because the decoration was so dense, each outfit a work of loving hands. And that meant cobweb-fine knitwear as well as intense mixes of fabrics.

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The Balkan reference was to jackets traditionally worn by the groom, which came through as twisted tailoring incorporated into the silhouette.

The fashion miracle of the collection was that the clothes all seemed so streamlined and wearable, however Mary's magpie, gypsy mind may have travelled.

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Instagram @SuzyMenkesVogue 
Twitter @SuzyMenkesVogue 

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Paul Smith: Vivid Colour for the Real World - Vogue

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"It's nice to have some optimism in this sad world," announced Paul Smith, talking before his lively show about his inspiration of the moment: "La Vie en Couleurs" ("Life in Colours") the title of a retrospective of mid-century photographs by Jacques Henri Lartigue, which recently showed at MEP in Paris.

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Smith also explained that he had returned to silkscreen printing, rather than using digital effects — a general trend that is an interesting move, since British designers were the first to embrace the computerised patterns that have spilled over into the global fashion universe.

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The Paul Smith show was, indeed, silken and colourful with an Indian or African feel to deep orange silk, a marmalade sweater and prints that mixed miniature leopard patterns with coal-black shadows. Add colour — yellow, turquoise or lipstick red - ­even on platform sandals.

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The clothes themselves did not have the same sense of reach as did the vibrant shades. Perhaps wisely, Smith offered up a modern realism: tailored suits with over-the-knee hemlines, trouser suits, summer dresses just skimming the body. Stripes in the colours traditionally associated with uniforms, such as red and blue, added a sporty effect.

Paul Smith's womenswear seems to have found its place in a realist zone — while the inspirational 'life in colour' added a bright piquancy.

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Instagram @SuzyMenkesVogue 
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Вещь дня: сумка Gucci - Vogue

Идеальная сумка-мессенджер из капсульной коллекции Blooms and Caleido, которую уже можно купить в московских магазинах итальянского Дома

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Erdem весна-лето 2016 - Vogue

Темные романтики

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Vivienne Westwood Red Label: Campaigning the Runway 21 SEPTEMBER 2015 - Vogue

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Would we want it any other way? Dame Vivienne Westwood, now almost as famous for her environmental and political appeals as for her saucy, sensual clothing, set off her Red Label collection amid a forest of protestors' flags.

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"Austerity is a Crime" was one of the messages, as a  line up of 'protesters' wearing colourful crown headdresses flagged up a raft of other causes from "Climate Revolution" to "Fracking is a Crime" (the latter being another pet Westwood issue).

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The clothes that went with the political statements seemed rather milder — more Westwood's greatest hits than anything to make the heart rate rise. Yet while Queen Viv is joining protests against "criminal" politicians, someone is designing good-looking clothes in her image.

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I can best describe the Red Label style as deliberately 'off-kilter': satin pants looping across the thighs; slender dresses draped to fall in a U-shape at the bosom; and all that cheeky androgynous playfulness that turns a striped shirt into a woman's dress.

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This Westwood line is deliberately less focused on fashion gestures — and less inclined to draw on historic or theatrical influences than her main collection. Yet this season there was a choice in hem lengths with calf and ankle more often the goal than thigh-high. The collection had a flurry of flower patterns, including shadowy leaves, flat petals and — this being our Viv — something exotic and spiky.

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Instagram @SuzyMenkesVogue 
Twitter @SuzyMenkesVogue 

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Jonathan Saunders: Awash with Colour - Vogue

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Everything about the Jonathan Saunders show suggested that the designer, furnished with new investment, was letting the sun shine in.

First there was the presentation: in a transparent tent under the blue, early autumn sky, the colour combinations and fabric collages glowed.

"My love for textiles is supposed to be about an effortless mix of print and colour — and strong multicultural references," said the designer, explaining that his idea to add tribal touches was "emotional and sensual".

These comments from Saunders sounded theatrical,  before the sun glinted on hot oranges and corals set in graphic patchworks, with colour blocks and thick or thin diagonal stripes.

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The bold colours and patterns, however, seemed far from the hippie influences floating around current fashion. There was a freshness to the varied shades and something graphic in the DNA of Sauders's designs that prevented the look from turning into costume. Simple bias-cut dresses flowing over the body softened the graphics.

The effect of so many colours, if never gaudy, was still very striking. I counted five shades - grass green, orange, russet, a gold floral pattern and Papal purple - on one single outfit. Other garments hinted at different cultures such as Japan and Arabia. Yet taken out of the context of other perambulating colours and prints, each outfit seemed pleasing in proportion. To put it more simply: these were clothes to be worn in the real world.

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British fashion designers have been awash with print ever since the digital age brought new methods and enhanced reality in colour. By the time all that reached high street stores, it seemed as though the trend would soon be over.

But Jonathan Saunders appears to be a survivor: a skilled designer who can still find new ways to express himself — as in this fine show.

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Instagram @SuzyMenkesVogue 
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Открытие выставки Louis Vuitton в Лондоне - Vogue

Катрин Денев, Адель Экзаркопулос, Алекса Чанг, Кара Делевинь, Алисия Викандер и другие знаменитые гости вечеринки, открывающей выставку Series 3

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Прекрасные юноши и прекрасные сумки на презентации Hill & Friends - Vogue

Эмма Хилл, экс-дизайнер Mulberry, представила в Лондоне первую коллекцию сумок своего собственного бренда, которая уже продается на Net-a-Porter

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Antonio Berardi весна-лето 2016 - Vogue

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Roksanda весна-лето 2016 - Vogue

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Мемуары Грейс Джонс - Vogue

В свет выходит книга легендарной модели, певицы и актрисы о жизни и творчестве I’ll Never Write My Memoirs

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Ноль калорий: Nike выпустил коллекцию кроссовок в цветах десертов - Vogue

Macarons, клубничный чизкейк, мороженое с фруктовыми соусами — мы можем вас заверить, что эти сладости в исполнении Nike совместимы с любым режимом питания

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В духе ретро: Шарлотта Деллал сделает коллекцию косметики для M.A.C - Vogue

Дизайнер и основатльница обувного бренда Charlotte Olympia будет сотрудничасть с одной из самых популярных косметических марок: капсула Шарлотт станет реверансом ее любимому золотому веку Голливуда

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Temperley London весна-лето 2016 - Vogue

Кубинские мотивы в коллекции британки Элис Темперли

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How to: учимся собирать чемоданы на Неделю моды - Vogue

Пишущий редактор моды британского Vogue и очень модная женщина Сара Харрис рассказывает, как она собирается на Недели моды, и дает много ценных советов

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Tatyana Parfionova весна-лето 2016 - Vogue

Петербургский дизайнер показала свою новую коллекцию «Любовь к апельсинам» в только что отреставрированном Большом зале Китайского Дворца в Ораниенбауме

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Брошь вступает в диалог - Vogue

История Van Cleef & Arpels в рекламных плакатах

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Paul Smith весна-лето 2016 - Vogue

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Topshop Unique: Where is the Wild Child? - Vogue

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Whatever happened to London's wild child — the one who brought street style into fashion? Her clothes were cheap and cheerful, her hair was done in vivid colours, her make-up a painterly work of art.

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Well, she has gone, at least from Topshop Unique, the upscale line sold at that mecca for cool clothes at accessible prices.       

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On the catwalk, which should be the company's showcase, it seemed fashion was being taken seriously: meaning, there were pleasing clothes at attractive prices — but not much more.

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It does come to something when the messy teen-scene look of Hedi Slimane's Saint Laurent gets re-branded for a smart night out in the city. Topshop Unique also reinterpreted the original YSL chubby and colourful fur coats that were so shocking in the 1970s. Back then, the clothes were a reminder of France's wartime years. Today, the Topshop version seemed like a fashion echo chamber.

Then there were the shoes: the Phoebe Philo furry footwear from Céline that has already done the rounds of fast fashion. Unique recreated them with marabou feathers.

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But all that said, there were some fine pieces in the Topshop collection, especially light-as-a-breeze calf-length skirts, split open for striding and a convincing interpretation for changing hemlines.

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Fresh too was the knitwear — from colours to shapes, once again making a fine new piece to fit into a wardrobe.

This kind of fashion catches the moment and offers wearable, stylish clothing at high street prices. It was just that this show was short on the urgency and fun unusually associated with Topshop — and it was missed.

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