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понедельник, 28 сентября 2015 г.

#SuzyMFW: Missoni — Energised by Africa - Vogue

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"My father always joked; India, Africa — Missoni did it first!" said Angela Missoni backstage, referring to her late father Tai, and to the zig-zag patterns that are the company's home territory.

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And how! Basing her show on an African palette and patterns, from the orange blocks of flooring to the wavy blue/yellow/red stripes on lean knit dresses, the Missoni show for summer 2016 was an odyssey that was both joyous and respectful.

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Sport was another theme, with knitwear for skinny dresses, elongated cardigans, body suits and even swimwear. Sneakers and flat, ribbed sandals gave the models a long, lolloping stride.

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Programme notes spelled out the spirit of this energetic show in pithy phrases: "dynamic colours, broken lines, colour blocks, stacked rings".

The jewellery seemed especially tribal, yet the show in general was not overtly ethnic, but rather streamlined and modern. Its focus on knits both took Missoni back to its roots and was aimed at international youth.

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Angela seemed surprised at the enthusiasm surrounding the show, saying it marked the twentieth for which she had been in charge of her family's brand. I have seen the long fashion journey that the designer has travelled. And this African excursion seemed especially fruitful.

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Twitter @SuzyMenkesVogue 

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